My name is Donna A. and I live outside Kansas City, Missouri. I would like to sell your Emu oil. Do you need another salesperson?
I'm quite passionate about the healing qualities of Emu oil. My son who is now serving in Iraq was caught on fire shortly after his high school graduation and suffered 3rd degree burns to over 25% of his body. On his 3rd day in ICU, still unconscious of course, I sneaked in a little Emu fat which had been rendered in a friend's kitchen - there were still small chunks in it! Afraid that my son's face would scar, I dabbed the oil on his red face and ears that were not bandaged and almost immediately, those places turned beet red! Panicky that I may have caused more harm than good (because infection is so critical at that stage) and unable to wipe it off as it was already absorbed, I began to pray that Josh would be okay. I went home for the night and prayed all the way home. The next morning, I couldn't believe my eyes! Normal, fleshy spots were coming through - in fact, there was more flesh than there was red! (End testimonial.)
(Keep in mind: crude rendered emu fat will work but has a very short shelf life of only days or weeks)
Needless to say, I purchased bottles of pure Emu oil for the months following his release from the hospital and massaged him daily with it. He healed miraculously! In fact, when he joined the Army 1-1/2 years later, the Army sent him to a dermatologist for examination and the doctor couldn't believe Josh had had half his body grafted just a 1-1/2 before - he had healed that well! The scarring was minimal and what scarring there was, was fully matured.
I have much more I can write on this but I'm sure you've heard stories like this before. Like I said, I'm very passionate about Emu oil - it's something I believe in - I know it works and I'm certain I can sell your product. I would like to hear from you!
Best Regards,
Donna A.
Boy, I can unfortunately attest to the truth of this! I got a little eruption, and pulled my hand back. That brought the hot water all over my arm from elbow to wrist. It is awful pain. My doctor sent me to the emergency room, and that was a big mistake. They had me wait and fill out all kinds of paper work, and then wait some more. Then, all they did was put some burn cream on, and give me a pain pill. My doctor could have seen me faster and done that. (He thought there was something more they do for bad burns.)
USE EMU OIL to eliminate scarring.
A big lesson I learned, is don't believe what the doctor's give you is the best treatment. After a couple of days I could see that great scarring was happening with the cream (silver nitrate) that they gave me. So I added meleleuca (tea tree oil) for anti-biotic, and emu oil for softening. When the tissue scars it pulls in the skin like a drum (more pain). The emu oil is the only oil I had that released this tension and kept the healing skin supple. Now all I have is a small scar and discoloration. We got emu oil at our local health store, but my doctor's nurse said she orders her's from this company in Northern California at http://www.wonderoil.com/.
THE WORD OF HEALING PASSES from one person to the next.
I am very thankful to the wonderoil lady, whom I met at a Monroe country fair booth. She sold me my first bottle of emu oil, and told me about how it cured a farmer who had hot oil from his tractor spray all over his arm. I remembered that in the time needed. Now, you can know it too.
I have been using emu oil on my skin as well as my young sons for a few years now. Anytime they get a sunburn, burn, scratch etc I have put the oil on it and by the next day the ailment is either gone or significantly reduced! They are even to the point when something of this nature happens they say "let's put emu oil on it"! My husband did some major digging about a month ago and had a huge blister in the middle of his palm. After 4 days he finally gave in to my using the emu oil on it and within 2 days it was healed to the point that it no longer cracked open. I know had I not used it the wound would have taken weeks to heal...even he was amazed.
I am a true believer and really love your products! Which reminds me, I need to order more stuff....
Thanks, Mitzi Johnson

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